Get an e-token
through your smartphone
TS Technologies provides a state-of-the-art Enterprise Virtual Queue Management Systems (QMS) & take a number solution. At T S Technologies, consumers can obtain their virtual queue management solutions through an e-token obtained from their smartphones or from a QR code.

Versatile, Multi-functional
Universal, You Name It

Hospital Virtual Queue Management is a complete queue management platform which enhances your patient experience by allowing to make reservations from fingertips.

Virtual Banking queue management system provides your customers a hassle-free service throughout the journey, right from the booking process.

Virtual Queue Management solution is a helping hand in the automotive industry, as it lets your customers to get their services done without halting time more than expected.

Day-to-day utility services can be served instantly. TS Virtual Queue Management solution make lives easier for your customers.

Make reservations Via TS Virtual Queue Management solution. It Notify students via text alerts, phone messages or by using a QR Code, letting them know they are inching close to their appointment or service time.

TS Virtual Queue Management solution helps to optimize airport queues & improve customer experience, especially prior to boarding and other complicated scenarios.

TS Virtual Queue Management solution provide customers the cushioning of making appointments with ease rather than halting time in never-ending queues.

Reduce your customer walkaways and speed-up the operations at service points Via TS Virtual Queue Management Solution.
3 Easy Steps to Claim Token

Scan QR and Login
Scan the QR Code placed at the premises. This acts as a catalyst option for the customers as it reduces waiting time of your customers.

Make an Appointment
Once the organization receive the appointment, customers reservation will be marked as booked at the backend. Your customer will receive a notification/SMS regarding the confirmation of the booking made.

Claim Your Token
Customers who log into an online booking web app have the ability to create their own profile by entering basic information such as their mobile number, password, and preferred branch.

Scan and make an appointment or

Make an appointment
and cancel anytime
TS Virtual Queue Management solution is a powerful way to transform the way you do business and serve your customers. Let your customers to book and also, cancel appointments at any time making the process more convenient to your customers.
Manage Multiple Departments
The system is practical for facilities that require managing physical queues dynamically such as, embassies, airports, immigration centers or those with 'dispersed queues' to allow customers the freedom to browse while waiting for their turn. This way, you can supervise many appointments across departments at once without any hassle.

SMS Alerts
Using Number calling component, customers can receive notifications to their smartphone or any other integrated devices when the particular number is called from the queue for the appointment which he/she has made. The customer will be notified via services such as SMS, Web Alert and Main Display app which displays and announces the tickets. Customers also will be able to get real-time queuing information.
Know Your Customers
Customer Feedback Solution allows your Customers to express their view on the service/s which they have been offered. Customers will get this feature to have their say at the end of a service. Not only for customers, this feature vastly help companies in order to track branch statistics.

Reporting & Live
Track pin-point data along with onscreen interactive data visualizations. Seamlessly toggle and gain statistical data of your business in-depth. It's Advanced report mechanism and flexibility to filter on the basis of staff member, kiosk, counter and service. Reports can be drilled down on the basis of service or staff member for any duration of time. Analyze, track and report on data in real-time. The dashboard is automatically updated and provide users with instant and crucial data. Therefore, the company can get an understanding of the workflow process.

Core Features

Real-time Dashboard
Find out your company’s most recent metrics at a glance. Analyze, track and report on data in real-time. The dashboard is automatically updated and provide users with instant and crucial data.

Centralized Web Base
The Centralized Management Portal is built in a comprehensive way which enables your business to view/modify data in a centralized hub.

Statistical Reports
Single point of focus for statistical figures.Track pin-point data along with onscreen interactive data visualizations. Seamlessly toggle and gain statistical data of your business in-depth.

Data Analytics
Dive deep down and extract insights from your enterprise effortlessly. Monitor raw data to grow your business to its potential.

CRM Integration
Spectacle your client’s data in a 360 view. Be closer to your customers and have a crystal-clear understanding, and the interactions your business have had before.

Measure KPIs
Be in touch with KPIs of your employees and set KPI goals. Ultimately, analyze performance inclined in order to achieve organizational objectives.

Role Based
Role based provide role specific info. Simply, it limits the data a role group is allowed to view. Making sure that non-authorized individuals cannot get into access to company’s sensitive data.

Alert Notifications
TS Backend conveys automated alerts for authorized members in cases such as when; a VIP member enters the premises, queue length exceeds, KPIs surpasses etc. The automated message and the use-case can be customized on client’s requirement.

3rd Party Integrations
In order to leverage your organization’s performance, having interconnected 3rd party integrations to the backend. Power BI integration such as Google Analytics, assists to instantly explore more data and reports of the enterprise.

Responsive UI
The backend is built in a way where users can easily adapt. In addition, the backend is responsive, so that the dashboard can be accessed from any smart device.

AD Integration
Active Directory (AD) connects employees with organizational resources. In addition, employees can authenticate user credentials, and automatically log in to organization’s system whenever the employees are connected to a corporate device within the network.